The Benefits Of Iyengar Yoga

Regular practice guarantees an improvement in posture, flexibility, strength, mental and emotional health. The integration of body, mind and soul through the physical practice of the asanas (poses), ensures that physical health, knowledge and inner peace are gained. This leads to a contented and harmonious life.

The Iyengar system of teaching helps students to progress gradually from beginner to advanced level, taking account of their limitations. Iyengar was known as an expert in treating complex medical problems, and his teachers are trained in the therapeutic methods that he developed. Through the correct alignment of the body in the poses, the various physiological systems may function to their best potential, meaning the symptoms of many health problems can be eradicated. Many people find that through regular practice their long term health issues are resolved.

“When our physical state is not perfect, this causes an imbalance in our mental state. The practice of yoga helps us to overcome that imbalance. Yoga asanas (poses) can cure physical ailments and redress unsteadiness in the body. Asanas tone the whole body. They strengthen bones and muscles, correct posture, improve breathing and increase energy. This physical well-being has a strengthening and calming impact on the mind”

— BKS Iyengar

“Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed.”

— BKS Iyengar